Pickled Amla / Gooseberry

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Amla, aka Indian Gooseberry is one fruit that packs many health benefits into a really small package.  This humble fruit is known to be a rich source of vitamin C. It contains anti-oxidants, fibre and minerals like calcium and phosphorus, which help improve immunity, protect your heart, improve skin health, control diabetes and its complications, eliminate toxins, improve digestion; The list goes on.

One of several ways to include them in your diet, is in a pickled form. Those like me, who do not like it in its raw, sour and pungent form, can go ahead and pickle them using the following recipe.


Amla / Indian Gooseberry – 20  (Go ahead and add as many as you want. 🙂 )
Salt – as required
Green chillies – 5 (adjust as per taste)

Step 1: Drop all the ingredients into a large jar. Fill with water.

Step 2: Consume after 3 days. 🙂




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